text grew out from author's
- Darko Zubrinic:
"Faculty of Electrical Engineering"
(now "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing"), written in
1992. I am grateful to my coleagues, but there are too many to name
them all. However, special
thanks go to:
- dr. Dubravka Bosnic,
- prof.dr. Vladimir
- dr. Vladimir Dugacki,
- Academician Branko Fucic,
- mr. Alemko Gluhak,
- prof.dr. Ivan Ivansic,
- prof.dr Vatroslav Lopasic
- dipl.jur. Kresimir
- prof.dr. Vladimir
- prof. Vlatko Ostric,
- prof.dr. Uros Perusko,
- ing. Zeljko Tomic.
I obtained valuable
suggestions from dr. Trpimir Macan from
the Croatian
Lexicographical Institute, who reviewed the part of the
text devoted to the history of Croatia. Needless to say,
and it is not just a pose, that the responsibility for
all mistakes should be born exclusively by the author.
I am also deeply indebted
to (1995-...):
- Maja Matijasevic and
Josip Juric: home page of Croatia,
- Vladimir Vuksan: the USA
- Slavka Jureta:
Australian mirror (not active any more),
CroNet Melbourne,
- prof.dr Mario Essert: Laboratory
for help to powerful and care for helpless,
- dr. Vlasta Lederer: Gordan Lederer,
- prof.dr Jadranka
Skorin-Kapov: Istria,
- Ivo Penzar: Rudy Perpich,
- Leo Bosnic and Mario
Cifrek: a part of scanning,
- Michael B. Savor: Croatian folk music,
- Natasa Hoic-Bozic,
- prof.dr Masa Marusic:
reviewing of some texts,
- prof. Anadea Cupic: Blind Theatre
- Nenad Paulic:
architecture info,
- Drazen Budisa: letter of Peter
Zrinski to his wife Katarina,
- Adam S. Eterovich: Croats in the
New World, Haydn
- ing Vladimir Zerjavic: Jasenovac
I, Jasenovac II, Muslim-Bosniaks,
- prof.dr. Igor Primorac
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem): Serbian
intellectuals and the war in
the Balkans, Israel and the war in the Balkans
- prof.dr. Josip
Pecaric: Serbian
about Jasenovac
- Zeljko Lupic: helpful
- Dragan Skropanic: Haydn's
- Michel Iellatchitch:
(in French)
- prof. Radovan Grgec:
material related to Appeal of 43,000
Croats to the
League of Nations in 1934.
- Jet Set journal, for
permission to reproduce photos related
to the King
of Dolls, and above all to
kindness of Mr. Ljeposlav Perinic and his daughter Mrs. Zdravka Teresa
Perinic de Bellofatto (Buenos Aires). My deepest gratitude to Carlos
Seran for his translation of this web page into Spanish, and to Dmitry
Vedushenko for his translation into Russian
(molodec!). My thanks also go to Mr. Velimir Mihalic from "Gradski ured
za kulturu", Zagreb, for help with the literature.
- Franjo Maric, for
photos representing tattooing
of Bosnian women, Gabrijel
Jurkic page and numerous jpges
this outstanding painter, information about the related Truhelka's
paper, for his valuable
books, several
photos related to Kristian
Krekovic (in
particular the one from Salon de Paris - Une vue de Bosnie,
- prof.dr Vladimir
Goss, for his kind help with art pages,
also here.
- To dr. Emil Hersak for
his nice glagolitic
- Mr Marko Puljic for
his translations of Bosnian
Queen Katarina and The Croatian Bunjevci
from Croatian.
- Academician Borislav
Arapovic, Stockholm, for permission to
reproduce "A
Remarkable Address given by a
Croatian Minister to Those going to War and due to its Excellency
Translated into German" [Dutch, Swedish, Latvian].
- Nikola Biskup, for his
very nice web pages about beautiful VELIKI TABOR
bourg, and of
course to prof. Josip Stimac and dipl. ing. Darko Tumpa for their
generous help.
- Dr. Katarina
Livljanic, DIALOGOS,
ensemble vocal féminin, Paris
- Professor Halina
Watrobska from Slavonic Department of the
University of Gdansk, Poland, for her contribution regarding remains of
the Croatian
glagolitic heritage in Poland
(Krakow, Holesnica).
- Mr. Marcel Jellacic
(de la noblesse Croate), for
contributing Rod
- Mr. Jozo Cikes
contributed an important presentation of Pasionska
in Croatia, a member of
Europassion. Many thanks to Mr. Sinisa Reberski for jpg's.
- Mr. Ivica Relkovic
contributing several articles related to the Hague Tribunal and human
rights, and to Antonija Pavic for her translation from Croatian
- Vlatko Kupreskic
in Bosnia and in the Hague),
- Ivo Masina
(My dear mother),
many thanks to Mr. Davor Klarin for his help with photos.
- Mr. Pavle Balenovic
for his nice animated gif of Lik, the
famous wolf
- Prof. Julija Vojkovic
from Hrvatska zena, for her generous
help with glagolitic
scanning, etc.
- Prof. Marija Kraljic
from Vrbnik, for having sent me
scanned copy of the stolen leaf missing
from the Vrbnik II Missal (1456),
held in the Princeton University
- Professor Roland Marti
from the University of
for information about a glagolitic manuscript
held in the Basel University Library, Switzerland
- Dr. Josip Kolanovic,
director of the Croatian State
Archives, for selected pages from the Cika
Breviary, etc.
- Prof. Marijana Jaksic
for help in preparing texts in
Croatian language
- Mr. Branimir Butkovic
for several photos of national
costumes of Bunjevci
- Mr. Vladimir Novak,
for his information about Kristian Krekovic,
and for rare photos
related to Croatian diaspora
- Dr. Zdenka Lechner
and Mr. Robert
Los for nice photos of Croatian
national costumes
- My sincere gratitude
goes to the National Library of Oslo
and Mr. Martin Shoyen, Norway, for kind information about and photos of
glagolitic vellum leaves
from the island of Krk, early 15th century
- to the State Library
(Staatsbibliothek) in Berlin, in
particular to Mr Zvonko Plepelic, for photos of the Berlin Missal
- Ms Marina Krekovic for
her help with information and photos
related to Kristian
Krekovic, pintor
croata - peruano
- Prof.dr. Mile Bace,
for photos of Professors Danilo Blanusa
and Vatroslav
- Mr. Tomislav
Petricevic for information about Professor Eduard
and his sentence to death
by ex-Yugoslavia for his testimony related to the Katyn wood tragedy
- Mr. Dragutin Lugarec,
dipl. jur., for quickscript
documents from 16th century concerning Kupcina
near Zagreb
(Pisarovina region)
- Mr. Zvonimir
Frka-Petesic (Ambassade de Croatie,
Paris), for
permission to use his photos (Ivica i Janica
Kostelic, Lauranas' work in Naples -
Nuovo, postage stamp dedicated
to the Villefranche
tragedy in France)
- Mr Ivan Dubravcic, for
information about
- prof. Grozdana Franov
- Zivkovic, for her contribution
related to quickscript
glagolitic heritage in
the region of Zadar and testaments of the
- Mrs. Zdravka Teresa
Perinic de Belofatto (Buenos Aires) for
her translation of my article about Kristian
Krekovic from Croatian
into Spanish;
also to Cika Mikolcic and
Milica Mikolcic for their help with biographical data
- Mr. Niko Kapetanic and
Nenad Vekaric for the summary of
book [The
Population of Konavle].
- Mr. Darko Dekovic,
president of Matica hrvatska Rijeka, for
permission to use the photos from the book by Ivan Radic, Zasopimo sopile,
MH Rijeka,
- Nensi Brailo, M.Sc.,
for the abstract of her Master Thesis LIBROCIDE:
CROATIA, 1991-1995, USA
- Prof. Pave Brailo, for
having sent me the booklet
Croatian medieval sculpture from the region of Dubrovnik, with
rich interlace ornaments.
- Mr. Nino
Marcutti for very nice photos of
Croatian mountains
- my deep gratitude goes
to Ms. Margalida Garau and
Mr. Climent Romaguera from the Museu
Krekovic in Palma del
Mallorca, directed by Consell
de Mallorca, for generous help (2003) with the literature ([Gaspar Sabater]),
for beautiful photos (and permission for their use on this web),
for nice prospects and the accompaning material related to
outstanding and still litle known Croatian artist (even in
Croatia) Kristian
- Mr. Stjepan Sucic from
Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, for
information about articles about Kristian
Krekovic published by Anto Cigeljevic
in Hrvatski
Glasilo hrvatskog kulturnog drustva "Napredak" zupe Soli (= Tuzla).
- Mr. Darko Varga (from
Bilje, Baranja) for having
contributed Angster's
and Mittepacher's
biographies to this web, and
also for photos
of several national costumes
from the village of Draz,
Baranja near Danube.
- Mr. Franjo Seric, for
help in collecting biographical data
about Kristian
- Mr. Anto Cigeljevic,
help in collecting biographical data
about Kristian
- Mr. Ruggero Cattaneo,
Milano, for the summary of his work
Bosnian Franciscan Filip
Lastric and help with
information about a book of Italian
encyclopaedist G.B.
- Mr. Zdenko Naglic,
Göteborg, for his
information about Croatian
Glagolitic books
held in the
University Library of Uppsala in Sweden
- Ms Najka Mirkovic,
photographer (e-mail: najka.mirkovic@atlas.hr), Dubrovnik, for her
contribution to the Dubrovnik
web page
- dr. Branko Franolic,
London, for his permission to use the
photos from his
monograph related to Richard Daniel's
presentation of Croatian
- Mr. Martin Lazar for
remarks about the Dubrovnik
web page
- rev. Vladimir Magic,
Metropolitana Library in Zagreb, for
kind permission to
reproduce photos
of glagolitic manuscripts,
also to s. Edit Budin from
the same Library, and to Julija Vojkovic for taking the photos
- dr. fra Bono Vrdoljak,
for information about his find
of Croatian
glagolitic epigraphic inscription
from 1368 in Livno (groblje
sv. Ive) and a few
grafittos, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mr. Damir Borovcak,
for help with portraits of
King Tomislav and King Kresimir IV by Kristian
reproduced in the book Sacred
crown of the Kingdom of Croatia
by Ivo
Omrcanin, Dorrance & Company,
Philadelphia, 1973.
- Prof. dr. Vladimir
Muljevic for biography of prof. dr.
Vatroslav Lopasic
- Mr. Ivan Pahernik for
four photos of Kristian
works of art
- to dr. Zdravka Culig
for her photos related to natural
beauties in Croatia (see Croatian folk songs
and Medimurske
- to Prof. Cika Mikolcic
for information related to Kristian
Krekovic, Croatian-Peruvian
painter, and for her translation
of Llorenc Vidal's essey Kristian Krekovic, su
museo y su
mensaje de paz from Spanish into
- Prof. Branko Dakic for
a photo of his pupil Gordan
Lederer, killed in 1991
- Prof.dr. Tomislav
Petkovic for his
precise information about the work of Heinirch Ott correcting
Planck's formulas from relativistic phenomenological
thermodynamics, published
16 years after Blanusa's
- photo studio Ipik,
Zagreb, for very nice photos of Croatian
national costumes
- Prof. Zeljko Hanjs for
permission to use the photo of
Professor Eduard
Prugovecki from Matematicko
fizicki list
- Mr. Ivan Pavacic for
information about the famous Istrian
scale in music
- to the staff of
Department of Electroacoustics of the
of Electrical Engineering and Computing (in particular
to dipl.ing Sanja Grubesa, dipl.ing. Marko Horvat, and dr. Hrvoje
Domitrovic, head of the department) for professional help in
audio recording
very old Croatian
texts, as well to mr.
Stjepan Bahert from the Teatar u gostima,
- to Ms Visnja Miocic
(editor in chief of Croatian
Chronicle) and Mr Vedran Nazor,
New York, for the photo of
Augustincic's Horsewoman
(Peace) in front
of the
main building of UN, and two photos of Mestrovic's Chicago
- Mr Nenad
New York, for his information regarding Robert
Schenk, Harry Dean
Stanton, Raukar's
icesculpturing, and overall help
advice with www.croatianhistory.net,
in particular for permission to use
the following songs on this web
- Mr. Ivo Bach, New
York, for generous help in preparing
mp3-s of his father's music
- Dr. Olga Pylyavska,
Kiev, Ukraine, for information about
the legend about Kij,
Shchek and Horev
(= Horvat = Croat)
- Prof. Zdravko Sljivac
for information about Zvjezdice
children choir, and permission
to use their recordings for Croatian Christmas
- Mr. Vedran Joseph
Nazor, president of Croatian-American
Academy, for information related to Amarican-Croatian
sportsmen in
the USA
- Dr. Juraj Njavro,
surgeon of the Vukovar Hospital in 1991,
for his kind permision to use his presentation of the Martyrdom
in Croatian Homeland War
- Mr. Darko Dekovic, for
permision to use photos from the
monograph [Barbalic,
for Croatian
Mariners in the New World
- dr. Maciej
Paluszynski, Wroclaw (Poland), for information
about Augustincic's
monument of Jozef Pilsudski,
a Polish marshal.
- Mr. Zvonko Springer,
Salzburg, Austria, for Zvonko's
- Mr. Ladislav Agabekov
for information and photos related to
the famous lighting company Agabekov SA.
- Mr. Ivo Lusic,
for many useful suggestons, photos related to Croats in South Africa
- to Rev. Frane
Mihanovic, editor in chief of Poljica, for
kind permission to publish an article by Andjelko Nedo Paveskovic
(Monte Carlo): Skladatelj
Josip Haiden (Haydn) Hrvat ili Nijemac?
Josip Haiden Croatian or German?),
Poljica, Gata, 2001, broj 26, pp. 61-107
- Mr. Ivan Szabo,
Innsbruck, and his father Mr. Aleksandar
Szabo, Zagreb, for photos of 1405 Croatian coat of
arms in Innsbruck
- Mr. Joseph Birkas for
his beautiful photo of the Sokolac fortress
in Brinje,
- Ms. Charlotte
Wennerlund, Sweden, for permission to publish
the portrait of Engela
Wunnerlund, her
grandmother, and to Mr. Jozo Babic for his kind help
- Dr. Bruno Blaskovic
for providing this web with Dora Pejacevic's
- Dr. Luca Leoni,
Velletri (near Rome) for help related to Filip
the founder of European
- Mr. Youri Agabekov
kind permission to use the photos of the lighting company Agabekov SA,
and to his son Mr. Ladislav Agabekov for help and advices
- Mrs. Ingeborg
Möller Rizo (UN, New York) for sending
me a copy of her Memoire
Maitrise in 2006, entitled "Krisitan Krekovic",
written in French in
1974 (Cours Universitaire Cluny). Many thanks also to Nenad
Bach for bringing
the copy from
New York to
- Ms Ljerka Golic and Mr
Domagoj Petric from HMI (Croatian
Heritage Foundation, Zagreb) for permission to use a photo of two
portraits by Kristian
- Ms Smiljana Sunde and
Vesna Svagusa for photos of the
famous sword
of Petar Zrinski kept in
- Professor Andrija
Tomasek for the partitures of Milan
Grakalic containing the arrangement of "Vu
plavem trnaci" (Gjuro Prejac)
for classical guitar
- Academician Ante
Sekulic for help in preparing the web page
about Bunjevci
- Prof. Dr. Zvonko
Bencic for his suggestion to create www.oldcroatianletters.com
- Mr. Senko Markulin for
information about Asaf
Durakovic and Perica Vlasic
- Mrs. Zdenka Farkas for
help related to The
Wall of Pain web page
- Mr. Jal Schrof, USA,
for permission to use his photos from CroatiaFest
for my Chords
for Croatian Folk Songs, and
also to Mr
Beverly Read from CroatiaFest
- Prof. Julija Vojkovic,
for permission to use her photos for
my pages of Croatian
Coat of Arms, The Wall of Pain
(Zid boli), etc.
- Ms. Marijana Spoljaric
for her photos of the Kosinj
valley, one of the most beautiful
vallies in Croatia
- prof. Zlatan Kovac and
prof. Damir Facan for invitation to Zadobarje near
where in a local church a Croatian Glagolitic inscription from 1539 has
recently been discovered during uncovering of old frescos
- dipl.ing. Slavko
Kirin, an expert for cheeses, Sirela
Bjelovar, Croatia, for permission to include his two very interesting
articles about Livanjski
sir and Sir Trapist
in BiH, published by Mljekarstvo
(Dairy) journal in 2003
- Mr. Darko Sagrak,
dipl. iur., for help with the photos of Milan
- Mr. Tomislav Mihatov
for photos of glagolitic inscriptions
from the church of St. Marko Grob
and from the church of St.
- Mr. Oleh Hirnyk, Lviv,
Ukraine, for information about Vladimir Rozov
- Donald Wolf, Kansas
City, USA, for contributing St.
John's Croatian Catholic
school in Kansas City
- Vedran Zuzak,
Zadar, for his
diploma thesis Glagoljska epigrafika zadarskog otocja [PDF,
70 pp.] and permission to install it on
this web
- Professor Yoshinori
Kametaka, Kyoto, for his kind
information about recordings of "U boj"
the opera N.S. Zrinski) in Japan
- Ms Nena Kazulin, USA,
for additional information about
Mario Puratic (from Sumartin on the island of Brac) and his famous Puretic Power Block
- Professor Vladimir
Cepulic for his article about life and
work of distinguished Croatian mathematician Zvonimir Janko
- Dr. Zdenko Zeravica
prof. Najka Mirkovic, Dubrovnik for the catalogue Arheoloska
bastina Zupe dubrovacke
(Archeologica heritage of Zupa
dubrovacka), containing among others an important information about
discovery of a Glagolitic inscription from 11th century
- Prof. Najka Mirkovic
for her article about Dr.
Ivo Macela
- Mr Ljubo De Karina,
Croatian sculptor, for information that
Mestrovic''s Chicago
Indians had been cast
in Zagreb, as well as Augustincic's Monument
of Peace (Horsewoman)
- Prof. Ksenija Sunic,
for sending me a biography of Franjo Dugan
and photos
- Dr. Branko Franolic,
London, for information about Croatian
- Argentinean painter Zdravko Ducmelic
- Mr. Ivan Ferencak, for
sending me photos
of initials of Hrvoje missal,
photographed by Ivan Klindic.
- Mr. Kristian Dumancic,
Vienna, for sending me the photos of Croatian
Coats of Arms in Vienna
- Br. Ivo Domazet SJ,
Zagreb, for the photo of Petar
Perica SJ.
- Dr. Andjelko Mijatovic
for organizing several illuminating
excursions to Bosnia
and Herzegovina where I
had opportunity to take very interesting photos and to collect a wealth
of data
- Prof. Ive Livljanic,
first ambassador of the Republic of Croatia at the Holly See, for his
very intersting articles
- Prof. Orietta Lubiana,
University Library of Rijeka, for
her article Branko
Fucic i Izlozba glagoljice u
Sveucilisnoj knjiznici u Rijeci
- Prof. Tomislav
Galović, Faculty of Arts, University of
Zagreb, for his article Branko Fucic
- Dr. Drago Stambuk,
ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Japan,
for valuable information and
- Dr. Miho Demovic, for
his numerous books and information
about Croatian
Mediaeval Music, Croatian
Glagoliti Singing,
and St
Paul's shipwreck on the island of Mljet
- Professor Kresimir
Veselic for kind help in preparing the
web page on Croatian
Glagolitic Singing and numerous
- Rev. Oleh Hirnyk,
Ukraine, for his information about White Croatian
archaeological site
of Stiljsko
near Lviv in Ukraine
- Dr. John Kraljic for
his article Ethnic
Croatians Killed By Nazi and Fascist Forces During World War II
- A
Partial List
- Mr. Mijo Juric and Dr.
Josip Sersic, Vienna, Austria, for
their information about Krowotendörfel,
Croatian Village in Vienna that
disappeared in 1683 during the
second Turkish seige of the city
- Mr. Vladimir Novak,
Zagreb, for information about Croatian
violinst Vlado
- Dr. Mladen Ibler,
Denmark, for his article THE CROATIAN
(in Croatian)
- Lady Jadranka
Beresford Peirse for information regarding Kristian
and his 1938 portrait of Queen
- Mrs. Maja Stibilj i Kostric and Mr. Manel Oronich i Mirovet
for bringing me the monograph Kristian Krekovic from
Barcelona, written by Climent Romaguera i Rubi.
Back to Croatia - Overview of its
History, Culture and