Contributions to
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science by Croatian experts
Darko Žubrinić, 2017
Here, we also include
those scientists and engineers who are either directly or indicrectly related to Croatia by their
Electrical Engineering
- Franjo Domin
(1754-1819) was among the first who cured various diseases by
electrotherapy using static electricity
- Josip Belušić
constructed the first electric
speedometer in 1888 (which he called velocimeter). Note: Nikola
Tesla is since
credited for this discovery, see
- Ferdinand
Kovačević (1838-1913) invented the possibility of telegraphic
along a single
wire (the duplex connection), whereas before four wires had
been used.
- Anthony F. Lucas
(born as Antun Lucic, 1855-1926), is the father of petroleum industry,
author of numerous inventions, among them of hydraulic rotary rig in
oil well drilling
- Nikola Tesla
(1856-1943) is the father of
alternating electrical current (AC) technology and the three phase system.
He is equally known by his contribution to the high frequency
technology and wireless communications.
- Ante Supuk
(1838-1904) was chief engineer directing one
of the earliest AC (alternating current) electric power systems in the
world, built up in Croatia, on the beautiful Krka waterfalls
(one of
Croatian national parks). This was one of the first commercial power
systems, supplying an entire
city with multiphase electric power.
- Franjo Hanaman
(1878-1941) invented, together with Aleksandar
the first economical
electric bulb with wolfram filament.
- Mario Puretić
(Puratić, 1917-1993) revolutionarized the technology of pulling out
fishing nets from the
sea by his construction of what is now known as the Puretic
Power Block in 1950s.
- Jakov Kuljus
and Ivan Dellaitti produced the first acetylene lamps for night
- Slavoljub Penkala
(1871-1922) founder of Edison-Bell-Penkala Co. in Zagreb, producer of
gramophone records, and better known for his construction of chemical
pen (called penkala)
- Marcel pl.
Kiepach (1894-1915), the youngest inventor that Croatia ever had;
constructed the bycicle dynamo machine
- Antun Dolenc
(1905-1984), in 1939 in introduced for the first time laquered
isolation of wires (instead of cotton isolation) for asychronous
motors, which improved the production of motors first in Zagreb, and
soon became a standard in Siemens and throughout the world to
these days
- Ivan Hrvoić is among the leading experts for
magnetometers in the world, as well as a founder of the leading
enterprise in the world working in this area
- Anthony Maglica constructed his well known Mag-lite lamp, which has been selected among 100 top products that "America makes best"
- Youri Agabekov,
founder of Agabekov SA and international expert for exterior lighting
design (Vatican, Louvre, Bolshoi Theatre, Sponza Palace in Dubrovnik,
the Zagreb Cathedral, etc.)
- Marin Soljačić (MIT) proposed a method for wireless power transfer
- Anthony Grbić, distinguished expert for metamaterials (collaborates with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Univeristy of Zagreb)
- Silvija Gradečak, Croatian scientist at MIT, expert for
Nano Structured Materials
- Vojislav Bego (1923-1999) a leading expert in voltage balance, constructor of Bego's Weigh
- Jacob Jake Matijevic (1947-2012) leading engineer in developing the "Curiosity" rover for NASA that landed on the planet Mars in 2012.
- George M. Skurla
(1921-2001) was Director of Operations at the Kennedy Space Center. He oversaw and
directed an expert team of 1600 scientists and engineers that
constructed a lunar module for the Appolo program.
Milojko Mike Vucelic, former Apollo System Manager for NASA/Rockwell,
recipient of Presidential Award for Freedom, studied Mechanica
Engineering at the Univeristy of Zagreb
- Marijan Zubanović, Croatian technical thermodynamics expert in France
- Branko Leskovar (1930-2016) distinguished international expert in Electrical Engineering and Electronics
- Hrvoje Babić (1929-2015), with Miroslav Sedlaček introduced the concept of mictrotron
- Miroslav Sedlaček (1925-2017), expert in accelerator technology, Electron Physics and in vacuum and gasous devices
- Darko Sertić founder of Applied Cermacis Co. in the Silicon Valley, working also in Croatia
- Bojan Jerbić, projet leader for the construction of RONNA - Robotic NeuroNAvigation
- Sven Maričić a pioneer of 3D printing technology in Croatia
Computer Science
Science and Technology
- Ivica Siladić, a founder of Mireo co., that has created Genius Maps and Don't Panic navigational tools
- Mate Rimac, how we build the world's fastest electric car?
- Jurica Cerovac and his colleagues created Photo Math smart calculator and Photo Pay
- Mime Čuvalo, creator of the FireFPT Charity Project
- Josipa Majic founder & CEO of Teddy the Guardian global enterprise
- Ivan Mrvos designed the best smart street bench in the world
- Andrija Čolak, inventor of KISHA, the first Croatian smart umbrella that you'll never lose
Marijan Ožanić: Razgovori s poviješću - prilozi za povijest
Croatian Science
Croatia, its History, Culture and Science