Rudolf Fizir istaknuti hrvatski
graditelj aviona
Rudolf Fizir rođen je u Ludbregu u Hrvatskoj, dne 13. siječnja 1891., a preminuo je u Zagrebu 11. studenog 1960. Bio je najistaknutiji konstruktor aviona u hrvatskoj povijesti. Završivši osnovnu školu u Ludbregu, nastavio je svoju izobrazbu u Zagrebu (u Obrtničkoj školi, koju je godine 1882. utemeljio Isidor Kršnjavi). Oduševljen balonima i tehničkim znanostima, Fizir je svoju izobrazbu nastavio u Bečkom Novom Mjestu pored Beča, zatim u Toulousu (tijekom jedne godine, u Francuskoj) i naposlijetku u Akademiji za inženjersku avijaciju u Wismaru (u baltičkom dijelu Njemačke). Svoj je prvi avion zamislio već u dobi od 23 godine, 1913., kao student u Wismaru, gdje je diplomirao 1915. U Wismaru je ožnio Elly Kuhn (pruskoga podrijetla), s kojom je kasnije imao tri kćeri. Rudolf Fizir se zaposlio u Schwerinu (u tvornici Antuna Fokkera) već kao student godine 1914., a zatim u Brandenberugu (Brandenburška tvornica aviona, 1917.-1918.). Koncem Prvoga Svjetskoga Rata 1918. ga je Fokkerovo poduzeće poslalo mladog hrvatskog inženjera u Budimpeštu, da bi tamo zapoćeo voditi tvornicu Mago Mobil. Godine 1921. vratio se u Hrvatsku, koja je 1918., nakon raspada Austro-Ugarskog carstva postala dio novostvorene Države Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (SHS), a koja je nakon ubojstva istaknutih hrvatskih političara u Beogradskom Parlamentu (1928.), preimenovana 1929. u Jugoslaviju. Budući da nove političke vlasti nisu dopustile da u Zagrebu bude izgrađena avio-industrija (iako je Zagreb bio najjače industrijsko i znanstveno središte u tadašnjoj državi), Fizir je bio prisiljen preseliti se u Novi Sad. Rudolf Fizir je konstruirao 18 tipova aviona. Godine 1960. ga je F.A.I. (Fédération Aeronautique Internationale) nagradila Diplomom Paula Tissandiera za dostignuća u razvoju svjetske avijacije. Sa svojim dvokrilnim avionom pod nazivom Fizir, konstruiranim 1925., osvojio je godine 1927. prvo mjesto na natjecanju Male Antante. Od tada započinje serijska proizvodnja njegovih aviona s renomiranim kompancijama: Fizir-Mercedes, Fizir-Wirght, Fizir-Titan, Fizir-Kastor, Fizir-Gypsi, i polu-metalni Fizir-Jupiter. Također je obnio neke modele u obliku hidroaviona. Njegov veliki uspjeh doživio je Fizir FN, dvosjedni dvokrilac s dvostrukim komandama (proizvedeno je više od stotinu aviona!). Rabio se kao instrukcijski avion više od 30 godina nakon kraja Drugog Svjetskog rata! Godine 1931. konstruirao je amfibijski avion Fzir 1931, namijenjen za slijetanje na rijeke, jezera i morsku površinu. Također je razvio i turistički avion još godine 1935. Također je konstruriao i padobrane, kao i njegov izumitelj Faust Vrančić. Tijekom Drugog Svjetskog rata radio je u Zagrebu kao predavač avionskih konstrukcija na Tehničkom fakultetu. Svibnja 1945. spašen je iz zloglasnog jugoslavenskog komunističkog koncentracijskog logora Kanal (na mjestu sadašnjeg Autobusnog kolodvora) u Zagrebu. |
Rudolf Fizir was born in Ludbreg, Croatia, on 13 Januray 1891, and died in Zagreb on 11 November 1960. He was the leading constructor of airplanes in Croatian history. Having completed his primary education in the town of Ludbreg, he continued his high school education in Zagreb (in Obrtnička škola, i.e., in the Crafts School, founded in 1882 by Isidor Kršnjavi). Enthusiasted with flying baloons and technical sciences, Fizir continued his education in Wiener Neaustadt near Vienna, then in Toulouse (for one year, in France) and finally at the Academy of Aviation Engineering in Wismar (in the Baltic Germany). He conceived his first sports airplane already at the age of 23, in 1913, as a student in Wismar, where he graduated in 1915. In Wismar, he married Elly Kuhn (of Prussian origin), with who he later had three daughters. Rudolf Fizir was employed in Schwerin (at the Anthony Fokker factory) already as a student in 1914, and then in Brandenburg (Brandenburgish Flugzeugwerke, 1917-1918). By the end of the Ist WW in 1918, the Fokker company sent the young Croatian engineer to Budapest in order to start a Mago Mobil factory there. In 1921, he returned to Coatia, which in 1918, upon disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, became a part of the newly established State of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (Država Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca), and which after the assasination of distinguished Croatian politician in the Belgrade Parliament, was renamed in 1929 to Yugoslavia. Since the newly established political authorities did not permit Zagreb to build the aircraft industry (although Zagreb was the strongest industrial and scientific center of the then state), Fizir was obliged to move with his family to Novi Sad. Rudolf Fizir has constructed 18 types of airplanes. In 1960, he was awarded the Paul Tissandier Diploma by the F.A.I. (Fédération Aeronautique Internationale), for his achievements in developing world aviation. With his two-wing aircraft Fizir, constructed in 1925, he won the first prize at the Petite Entente contest in 1927. From then on began his serial aircraft production in cooperation with well known companies: the Fizir-Mercedes, the Fizir-Wirght, the Fizir-Titan, the Fizir-Kastor, the Fizir-Gypsi, and the half-metallic Fizir-Jupiter. He also reconstructed some models into hydroplanes. His great success was Fizir FN, two-wing, two-seat aircraft with double commands (more than hundred planes!). It was used as instruction plane even 30 years after the end of the WW2! In 1931 he constructed amphibious aircraft, Fizir 1931, intended for landing on rivers, lakes and the sea. He also constructed a tourist aircraft as early as 1935. He also constructed parachutes, like its inventor Faust Vrancic. During the WW2 he worked in Zagreb, lecturing aircraft construction at the Technical Faculty. In May 1945, he has been saved from an infamous Yugoslav communist concentration camp (Canal, on today's Central Bus Station) in Zagreb. |
Fizirova amfibija A.F.2 iz godine 1931.
Fizir FP.2
Fizirov hidroavion za izviđanje jata riba na hrvatskoj obali. Rabio se
uglavnom u okolici Splita.
Spašavanje Rudolfa Fizira svibnja 1945. Po završetku Drugog svjetskog rata u drugoj polovini mjeseca svibnja 1945., Rudolf Fizir je zatočen u skupnom logoru u Zagrebu na mjestu današnjeg Autobusnog kolodvora u Držćevoj ulici. Trebao se sa ostalim logorašima pridružiti nesretnicima koji su već krenuli na „Križni put“. Predratni piloti koji su u međuvremenu postali časnici u JA (Jugoslavenskoj Armiji), saznali su za njegovu sudbinu, te došli u logor automobilom i jednostavno ga izveli na slobodu. |
Summary. Rudolf Fizir (1891-1960), born in the town of Ludbreg in Croatia, built 18 types of airplanes. In 1960, he was awarded the Paul Tissandier Diploma by the F.A.I. (Fédération Aeronautique Internationale), for his achievements in developing world aviation. With his two-wing aircraft Fizir, constructed in 1925, he won the first prize at the Petite Entente contest in 1927. From then on began his serial aircraft production in cooperation with well known companies: the Fizir-Mercedes, the Fizir-Wirght, the Fizir-Titan, the Fizir-Kastor, the Fizir-Gypsi, and the half-metallic Fizir-Jupiter. He also reconstructed some models into hydroplanes. His great success was Fizir FN, two-wing, two-seat aircraft with double commands (more than hundred planes!). It was used as instruction plane even 30 years after the end of the WW2! In 1931 he constructed amphibious aircraft, Fizir 1931 (see above), intended for landing on rivers, lakes and the sea. He also constructed a tourist aircraft as early as 1935. He also constructed parachutes, like its inventor Faust Vrancic. During the WW2 he worked in Zagreb, lecturing aircraft construction at the Technical Faculty. After the WW2 he worked in the Industrial Research Institute in Zagreb. For more information see CROATIA, in flight magazine, Automn 2000, pp. 89-99. |