Croatian Coat of Arms

during centuries


Darko Zubrinic, Zagreb, 2005

Croatian Coat of Arms in the city of Sombor, the City Hall, 1808, and

the Coat of Arms of Slavonia, and

the Coat of Arms of Dalmatia.

The ceiling of the City Hall of Sombor with the Coat of Arms of the the city of Sombor in the middle,
surrounded with Coats of arms of the United Kingodm of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia
(bottom right, left, and up on the right respectively; missing on the photo, up on the left, Erdely's Coat of Arms)

Decorative Coat of Arms of a Croatian ship in the first half of the 19th ct.
Photo from Bože Mimica: Dalmacija u moru svjetlosti, 1. Dio, Rijeka, 2004.

Krunidbena zastava (coronation flag), 1830, source

Ljudevit Bedeković with Croatian flag in 1830, at the coronation of Ferdinand V in Požun.
Silk damask with trimmings by Eduard Gurk, Croatian History Museum, Zagreb.
Shown in Klovićevi dvori Museum in Zagreb, Automn 2020.

Seal of the Križevci County, 19th century
photo from Croatian History Museum


Croatian Coat of Arms above the main entrance to the building of Savska 2, Zagreb, built in 1832

In the city of Iquique on the north of Chile, there is an interesting document (diploma) from 1834, issued to Antun Bilušić,
containing the Croatian Coat of Arms.


Horvatska domovina (Croatian homeland), 1835., by Antun Mihanovic
Croatian national anthem

Stamp of the Catholic School in Ruma from 1838, containing the Coat of Arms of the United Kingom of Croatia, Slavonia andDalmatia,
Source: Hrvatski školski muzej (Croatian School Museum) 1901.-2001., Zagreb 2001., p. 130.
The Catholic School in Ruma has been founded in 1772 by count Marko Pejačević.


Two glasses with Croatian Coats of Arms made in Osredek, the left one from 1840-1845, and the right one from the middle of the 19th century,
both kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts (Muzej za umjetnost i obrt), Zagreb

Hrvatski preporod (Croatian Revival) 1842, source

Zastava bana Jelačića (Flag of Governor Jelačić), 1848, source

Zastava bana Vlašića (Flag of Governor Vlašić), 19th century, source

Zagrebačka narodna garda (Zagreb People's Guard), 1848, source

Minutes of the Parliament (Sabor) of the United Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia nad Slavonia,
from 1848, Zagreb.

A fan from 1848

A detail from a similar fan from 1909, Krapina

Antun Kukuljević Sakcinski (1776-1851), a detail from his coat. He is the father of Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski.

Sward of Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, kept in the Varaždin City Museum.
The sward handle contains the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Slavonia, Dalmatia and Croatia.

Wooden snuff (drvena burmutica) from the first half of the 19th century, kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb
photo from Croatian Encyclopaedia, Zagreb 1941

Antun Vakanović (1808-1894), portrait from 1830 (detail), later Croatian ban (viceroy)

Sveučilištna Biblioteka u Zagrebu (University Library in Zagreb), 1844.


Dvorane zagrebačke karte (The Halls of Zagreb Playing Cards), 1847/1848.


A detail from the flag of the Academic Battalion from 1848,
with inscription that can be seen on enlarged photo: For the Constitution and people's freedom
(in Croatian: Za ustav i narodnu slobodu)


Seal of the Command of the Krizevci Home Guard, 1848/49
photo from Croatian History Museum

The following three photos appear in Maja Škiljan: Iz obiteljskih ostavština, I dio, Zagreb 1977.
Many thanks to Milka Tica for her kind help, from Medveščak Library, Zagrebv.

Salt shaker, Croatia, from 1838

Seal of ban (Croatian governor) Josip Jelačić, from the middle of the 19th century.

A bag from 1848, decorated with the crown and Croatian Coats of Arms, representing
Dalmatia, Slavonia and Croatia.

Kraljevska Sveučilištna Biblioteka u Zagreb 1850 (Royal University Library in Zagreb 1850)

Seal of the National Museum of the Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia, 1854-1865
photo from Croatian History Museum


Croatian coat of arms in front of Croatian History Institute, Zagreb
(Coat of Arms of United Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia)

Družtvo Gospodarsko (Economic Society)

Diploma of a full member of the Croatian-Slavonian Economic Society, issued to Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski in Zagreb in 1852.
On the top, one can see the Coats of Arms of Slavonia, Dalmatia and Croatia.
See Trojedna Kraljevina (United Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia)

Croatian church of St. Jerome in Rome, with Croatian Coat of Arms on the wall.
Photo by the courtesy of Mirna Lipovac, Zagreb.


The coat of arms granted to ban Josip Jelacic in 1854.


Naše gore list (Leaf of our hill), entertaining and educative journal, Zagreb 1861

Croatian Singing Club "Slavulj" (Nightingale), 1864

Pervaci i članovi sjedinjene hrvatske opozicije (Dignitaries and members of united Croatian oposition), 1864

Croatian Coats of Arms from the 19th century in the City Museum of the town of Samobor near Zagreb.

Coat of arms of the Bjelovar county, 1872


A detail from a memorial plaque of the opening of the modern University of Zagreb, 1874.
(The University of Zagreb exists since 1669)


Croatian coat of arms on the roof of the Church of St. Marko in Zagreb, since 1878
(photo by Hippo)

A detail from the roof of the church of St Mark in Zagreb, which is quite near the City Council.

In 1892, Nikola Tesla was hosted in the main hall of the Zagreb City Council.
On the photo, celebration of 130th anniversary of the Croatian Shorthand Society (Hrvatsko stenografsko društvo) in Zagreb, founded in 1882.

Beautiful Croatian Coats of Arms decorating the main hall of the Zagreb City Council, in which Nikola Tesla was hosted.

Croatian Coat of Arms is among the most beutiful in the world

Croatian Coat of Arms on the ceiling of the Zagreb City Council


A bag of Ljudevit Gaj (Ludwig von Gay), 19th century


Seal of the Croatian Parliament, Zagreb, 1865
photo from Croatian History Museum


Seal of Karlovac, 1781
from the charter proclaiming Karlovac a free royal city


Archivum Reg. Croat. Sla. et Dalmat., founded in 18th century
(Archives of the Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia),
today the Croatian State Archives


Croatian Coats of Arms on ships, mostly brigs,
of the Rijeka bay in the 19th century

The brig is a two-masted sailing ship where both masts are square rigged. The rear mast carries a gaff sail as well, see definitions of various shiptypes here.

I express my sincere gratitude to Mr Darko Dekovic, Rijeka,
for permission to use photos from a wonderful monograph [Barbalic, Marendic].


Croatian coat of arms (on threecolor flag) on the front mast of the Enrica brig built in 1868 in Rijeka, 40 m long
Captian Paskval Stipanovic, travelled to New York, Belfast, Queenstown, Cardiff, Montreal, Gibraltar
Painted by a French painter Antoine Roux, junior, 1892 (photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 16])


Croatian coat of arms in blue color on the barg Mimi P(ajkuric), built in Rijeka in 1866
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 56])


Croatian threecolor on barg Lada, built in Rijeka in 1871
(photo of the silk model from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 62])


Croatian coat of arms on nave Marietta W(allner) (born Bakarcic), built in Rijeka in 1863
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 73])


Two Croatian coats of arms on the Kostrena steamer
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 77]):

Pepe Medanic, captain of a steamer Kostrena, saved a French steamer Gaulois in Biskay bay in very difficult conditions. The French president conferred a medal. Maritime press reported on this saving throughout the world.

See the original facsimile published in [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 77]:





Le Ministre de la Marine certifie que, par Décret en date du 10 mai 1912, le Président de la République Française a décerné la Médaille de Sauvetage en or de 2ême classe à Monsieur le capitaine Medanovich commandant le vapeur hongrois (!) "Kostrena", qui a recueilli à son bord, le 25 janvier 1912, aprés de maneuvres rendues trés difficiles
par l'état de la mer, tout l'equipage du vapeur français "Gaulois" de Bunhergue (?), en perdition au [?large ac tl Corogne?]

Par Directeur de la Navitation et les Pêches Maritimes


Paris, le 10 Mai 1912




Barg Vinka with Croatian threecolor and a sketch of Croatian coat of arms,
built in Sunderland in Great Britain in 1865, since 1879 in Croatia, in Kostrena.
Its first captain was Ivan Randic Kuzmin, known as captain Jovanin, longstanding pilot at Suez
and a member of the French Astronomical Society (photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 78])


Barg Hrvat (The Croat), built in 1875 in Bakar
(photo of the silk work from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 105])


Plan of the barg Grad Karlovac (The City of Karlovac, in Croatia), built in Kraljevica in 1868
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 117])


Unknown boat with Croatian coat of arms in the middle of the mast
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 123])


Barg Tri sina (Three Sons - of Vjenceslav Turkovic, a Croatian patriot and Maecenas),
52 m long, built in Kraljevica in 1875, with Croatian threecolor on the main mast
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 124])


Barg Trojednica (Threeune, i.e. United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia)
BDS (Brodarsko Drustvo Senj - The Senj Shipping Society).
On the main mast there is the Croatian threecolor flag with the name of the barg - Trojednica.
Painted by Ivancovich (photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 126]).


Barg Hervatska (Croatia), built in Senj in 1874
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 132])


Steamer Hrvat (Croat) built in Recice near Rijeka in 1872,
with Croatian flag on the main mast(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 143])


Brigantin Ida P(ersic), built in Rijeka in 1869 (the name was initally Secunda)
(photo from [Barbalic, Marendic, p. 164])



Croatian coat of arms from in the heraldry of the noble Jewish family of Weiss (19th century)
in the arcade of the Zagreb cemetary


Croatian coat of arms in the heraldry of the noble family of Cucolic (19th century)
in the arcade of the Zagreb cemetary

Detail with Croatian coat of arms on a portrait 
by distinguished Croatian painter Vjekoslav Karas (1821-1858)

Coats of arms of the town of Karlovac, 19th century

Historical zupanija coats of arms in Croatia containing red and silver squares:
Bjelovar 1872, Krizevci 1759, Rijeka 1864, Severin 1772, Zagreb 1759


The Karlovac beer, 1854 (Karlovacko pivo)

Grave of the members of the Croatian Collegium of St. Jerome (Hrvatski kolegij sv. Jeronima) in Rome,
in the graveyard of Campo Verano, with Croatian Coat of Arms with the crown. It dates from 1859.

On the right side of the monument is the name of Dragutin Antun Parčić,
distinguished Croatian lexicographer, linguist and Glagolitic priest.

Coat of Arms of the city of Biograd, 19th century, kept in the City Museum of Biograd.


A part of the Coat of Arms of the Jelacic family, 1860, source [Molnar]

The Jelačić Square of Croatia's capital Zagreb arround 1861.
On the left, above the figure of ban Jelačić, is Croatian Coat of Arms.

Proclamation of the Deit (Sabor) of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia
from 1847 about introducing Croatian language as official language of the Deit insted of Latin.
Croatia was the last country in Europe which abandoned
official usage of Latin language in the Deit!
Here you can see the Coat of arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia.

Croatian Coat of Arms from the 19th century, kept in the Museum of the City of Zagreb.
It represents the United Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia (Trojedna Kraljevina Dalmacija, Hrvatska i Slavonija):
three leopard heads on the left represent Dalmatia, to its right is the coat of arms of Croatia,
and below is the coat of arms of Slavonia, with kuna (marten) on the green surface.
The KUNA (i.e., HRK = Hrvatska kuna = Croatian Kuna) is the official Croatian currency,
the name of which was inspired by the usage of marten's skin for paying since the 12th century.
The small star, visible in the middle, represents the city of Zagreb.

The First Dlamatian-Croatian-Slavonian Exhibition in Zagreb, 1864.

Naukovni list (certificate) from the town of Krapina, 1864., with the Coat of Arms of United Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia

Dalmatian-Croatiana-Slavonian exhibition in Zagreb, 1864.
Drawing published in Antun Cuvaj: Građa za povijest školstva kraljevina Hrvatske i Slavonije od najstarijih vremena do danas, Zagreb 1910.

Ljudevit Gaj, with a detail of Croatian Coat of Arms behind him on the right.

Bosiljak (Basil), journal for youth, the issue from 1866, Zagreb


Croatian Coat of Arms in Vienna, captial of Austria, Akademisches Gymnasium (1863-1866),
Beethovenplatz 1. The Gymnasium was founded in 1553, but in 1866 it moved to the new building. The Coats of Arms are from the middle of the 19th century. 
The gymnasium was attended by distinguished people, like Erwin Scrhödinger, a famous physicist and Nobel Prizer winner. 
Photo by the courtesy of Mr. Kristian Dumancic, Vienna.


Glasses with Croatian Coata of Arms from the mid 19th century, produced in Croatia,
kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb.

Živila domovina - Long Live Homeland
Two glasses with Croatian Coats of Arms made in Osredek, the left one from 1840-1845, and the right one from the middle of the 19th century,
both kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts (Muzej za umjetnost i obrt), Zagreb

A plate with Croatian Coat of Arms, Obrtnička škola (Crafts School), Zagreb 1887, 
kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb

Croatian Coat of Arms on a diploma issued to a honorary citizen of the town of Krapina near Zagreb, 1864
(Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia)

Postcard with Croatian Coat of Arms from the 19th century.


The First Fair of The United Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia, held in Zagreb in 1864.
Source: Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu 1920-1995, Zagreb 1995, p 18.

Croatian Coat of Arms is in the center of the above photo,
with Slavonian Coat of Arms (marten or kuna) on the left, and Dalmatian Coat of Arms (three leopards) on the right.

Collection of Songs
published by
Croatian Music Society
in the year 1864.

A seal of an exhibition in 1864 in Zagreb

Flag of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia (Trojedna kraljevina, 1868-1918),
kept in the Croatian History Museum, Zagreb.
Exhibited in the Automn 2020 at the Klovićevi dvori Museum in Zagreb.

The star in the middle represents the city of Zagreb. 

Portarit of Elisabeth Habsburg (1837-1898) - Sissi from 1869, kept in Novi Sad (Muzej Vojvodine),
on the right of which is a Croatian Coat of Arms (photo by the courtesy of Mirna Lipovac):

A medal issued on the occasion the visit of Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife to the city of Zagreb in 1869.
On the right, we can se Dalmatian (three leopards), Croatian (checkered) and Slavonian (marten) Coats of Arms.
The above drawing of the medal was published in
Antun Cuvaj: Građa za povijest školstva kraljevina Hrvatske i Slavonije od najstarijih vremena do danas, Zagreb 1910.

Na čast Domovine (To the honor of Homeland)
(na) korist čovječanstva (On the benefit of Mankind)
In Krapinske toplice, north of the city of Zagreb

Donors of the Croatian Music Hall (Hrvatski glazbeni zavod, Gunduliceva 6, Zagreb), 1871,
inscribed in the golden book; a part of exhibition at HGZ


Sbirka različitih hervatskih narodnih napjevah za porabu narodnoga glasbenoga zavoda u Zagrebu
(A collection of various Croatian folk songs for the needs of Croatian Music Hall, Gunduliceva 6, Zagreb),
kept in the Library of the Music Department of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
probably from 1862 (photo - a part of exhibition at HGZ)

Croatian Coat of Arms was a part of a solemn uniform of the Boka Marine (Bokeljska Mornarica). The suit,
kept in Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, is dating from the second half of the 19th century.


Franjo Krežma in 1870, at the age of 8. Photo of pocket size by Ivan Standl, distinguished Croatian photographer.

Passport of August Šenoa (distinguished Croatian writer) in 1876.

Passport (Propustnica) for August Šenoa's travel from Zagreb to Vienna in 1872.

August Šenoa, Croatian writer: Vienac domaceg piesnictva, (a detail from the title page), Zagreb, 1873


A gold-silver-bronze medal issued in 1874 on the occasion of founding of the University of Zagreb;
source Moj Zagreb (My Zagreb), Summer 2019, p. 25 

Congratulations to the name day of Ivan Mažuranić, Croatian Ban (governor) of the
Kingdoms of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia, 1875., sent by the Royal University of Franz Joseph I.

A detail from the announcement of the opera Nikola Subic Zrinski by Ivan Zajc, 1876.
The most popular air of the opera is U Boj, known also in Japan since 1919!

Croatian typographic singing society "Sloga", Zagreb, founded in 1866.
The photo represents a part of the flag of the society, made in 1870s.
In the middle, we can see the Coats of Arms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia.

The first Croatian daily newspaper in America was published in 1879. Here we seen an issue from 1906.
On the right - Croatian Coat of Arms representing the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia.
Many thanks to Mr. Dado Kristi from the city of Rijeka.

Croatian Coat of Arms above the main entrance of the Turopolje Museum, Velika Gorica, near Zagreb.
This is the coat of arms of Plemenita turopoljska općina - Noble Turopolje District.

Coat of Arms of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Transylvania, 1880, Budapest

August Šenoa, distinguished Croatian writer and an important official of the city of Zagreb, obtained the recognition of
citizenship of the city as late as in 1881.

Certificate issued in 1881 for the position of the teacher for Vinko Beck,
subsequently the founder of the School for blind children in the city of Zagreb.

Nicely decorated decree from 1882 issued by the Royal Croatian-Slavonian-Dalmatian government,
containing Croatian Coat of Arms.

A detail from the thanksgiving for Vinko Bek from his school
in the village of Bukevje near Zagreb.

 Certificate (Naukovni list) for bootmaker, 1882, in Poljana, Croatia.

Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia, 
appearing in the passport issued in Zagreb in 1883 for then very young Nikola Tesla.

The name of Tesla is written as Nikolaus.
The passport, printed in Croatian and German, was issued in the city of Zagreb, the capital of Tesla's homeland.

Hrvatska vila - Croatian Fairy 1884

A plate with Croatian Coat of Arms, Obrtnička škola (Crafts School), Zagreb 1887, kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb

Glasnik Družtva za umjetnosti i umjetni obrt u Zagrebu, Zagreb 1887.
(ur. dr. Ivan Bojničić Kninski)
Herald for Art and Artistic Craft in Zagreb


Ivanić, Croatian Coat of Arms from 1889.
Detail from the video Croatian Mariological Heritage, 9, by dr. Hrvojka Mihanović Salopek, 2016.

Croatian Coat of Arms (19th century) in the building of the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest.
Many thanks to Mrs. Mirna Lipovac for sending the photos.

Dalmatian and Croatian Coats of Arms

Slavonian Coat of Arms
(all of them belonging to the United Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia, and Slavonia, better known
as the Threeune Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia, and Slavonia)

Pleternica, Croatian Post

Education (Croatia) with the Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, 
kept in the Croatian School Museum (Hrvatski školski muzej), Kazališni trg in Zagreb.
Carved in 1889 by Dragutin Morak [PDF].


A plan of the monument of dedicated to Andrija Kačić Miošić from 1889.
Kept in the State Archive in Zadar.

Coat of arms of the Kastel captains; Kastel is a town from Istria, near the river Dragonja
(photo from Just Ivetac: Korijeni istarskih gradova, J. Turcinovic d.o.o., Pazin 2002., p. 64)


Social Dance, Croatian Benevolent Society Zvonimir tamburitzans (USA), 19th century,
see Croatian flag with coat of arms on the left, and American on the right.
Source: Croatian American Web, USA

Vilko Müller: Slike iz Hrvatske (Pictures from Croatia), 2nd half
of the 19th century, inspired by Croatian folk song

Coat of Arms of Ivan Trnski (1819-1910), Croatian writer, poet and translator.

Dragutin Morak: Reaper (Žetelica), exhibited in front of the University of Zagreb,
 on the occasion of the Jubilee Exhibition of Trade and Forestry, Zagreb, 1891.
Photo from Irena Kraševac: Dragutin Morak, zanemareni kipar našeg 19. st. [PDF]
Rad Inst. povij. umjet. 31/2007, 221-240.

Croatian coat of arms in Antofagasta (!), Chile, 1892
from the cover page of Ljubomir Antic: Hrvati u Juznoj Americi (Croats in South America)
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia. This photo is a part of the following:

A Croatian journal in Antofagasta from 1892, decorated with the Coat of Arms of the Uniteg Kingdom of Croaita, Dalmatia and Slavonia.
Source: Croatian Folk Culture, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2004.
Bilingual Croatian-English edition.

An old, fantastic symbol of Matica hrvatska (Matrix croatica)

Boka kotorska cap from the second half of the 19th century, from the region of Spič,
containing the Croatian Coat of Arms.
Photo by the courtesy of Mr. Zvonimir Deković, Donja Lastva.

Vjekoslav Klaić (a famous Croatian historian): Hrvatska Pjesmarica (Croatian Songbook),
Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 1893.


Croatian Coat of Arms from 1890s in Greek Catholich Cathedral of Holy Trinity in Križevci

Iconostas in the Greek Catholic Cathedral of Holy Trinity in Križevci, an old Croatian town founded in 12th century, about 100 km from Zagreb. The above Croatian Coat of Arms is placed on the left of iconostas. The iconostasis and the pictures on the walls are works of famous Croatian painters including Ivan Tišov (he also made pictures in the Greek Catholic Church in Zagreb), Celestin Medović and Bela Čikoš-Sesija.

Croatian Coat of Arms on the ceiling of a hall of the Greek-Catholic bishopric in the city of Križevci.

Zvonimir Croatian Illustrated Calendar, 1891

Home and World Illustrated, 1891

Dragutin Hirc: Hrvatsko Primorje (Croatian Littoral, )Zagreb, 1891.

Predizđe Kršćanstva (Antemurale Christianitatis) by Croatian painter of the French origin Ferdo Quiquerez (1845-1893),
an uncompleted study from 1892

Announcing Milan Šenoa's comedy in the Zagreb National Theatre in 1893.

Croatian coat of arms above the main entrance of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, 1895
(Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia)


A detail from the ceremonial curtain of the Croatian National Theatre, Zagreb, by Vlaho Bukovac, 1895

Pope Benedict XVI in Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb on 4 June 2011.
Note the Croatian Coat of Arms behind him, on the solemn curtain of the theatre, designed by Vlaho Bukovac in 1895.

Central part of the ceiling of Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, 1895

A detail under the right-hand side loge in the main hall of the Croatian National Theatre, 1895

Croatian historian Radoslav Lopasic, city of Karlovac (Zorin dom park), carved by Ivan Rendic, 1896


Croatian coats of arms, 19th century, in the Greek Catholic church of St. Peter and Paul in Sosice, Zumberak
(the Roman Catholic church on the left is just by the Greek Catholic church)


FIDES VINCIT - Zagreb, Vlaska 70E, 19th century

Pervaci i članovi sjedinjene hervatske opozicije (Leaders and members of united Croatian parliamentary oposition);
here, leaders are Josip Juraj Strossmayer and Ante Starčević.

Three Croatian coats of arms: of Slavonia, Dalmatia and of Croatia (in the narrow sense), 2nd half of the 19th century,
representing the United Kingdom of Slavonia, Dalmatia and Croatia


A detail from the stone monument on the grave of Ante Starcevic (1823-1896), Sestine - Zagreb,
by distinguished Croatian sculptor Ivan Rendić (1849-1932)

N.H.Z - Nacionalna hrvatska zajednica = Croatian National Community,
founded in 1894 in the USA, a predecessor of the Croatian Fraternal Union CFU. Source.

Croatian Fraternal Union, 1894; source Northwest Croatians

  Croatian Fraternal Union, USA, 1894


The building of the Fifth Gymnasium in Zagreb (Klaićeva 1) exists since 1895.

The First Economic School in Zagreb, 1895, Klaićeva street, photo from the Vth Gymansium, 1891/92.

The main entrance to the First Economic School in Zagreb, Medulićeva 33.
Broken window after the earthquaque in Zagreb in 2020.

Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (Trojedna kraljevina) of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia.

Photo from of the Frist Economic School in Zagreb (Medulićeva 33)
from the end of the 19th century.

Miho Jerinić:  Sladke uzpomene i  Božićna jabuka, Beč 1896
(Sweet Remembrences and Christmas Apple, Vienna 1896), a detail

Coat of Arms of the town of Bakar, 19th century; photo from [Ostric]

Seal of the City Hall of the Free Royal City of Bakar, 1897; photo from [Ostric]

Seal on a document issued in Čabar about foundation of the
tamburitza orchestra Gorska vila (Mountain Fairy) in Gerovo, 1897.
Source [Ferić: Hrvatski tamburaški brevijar]

1898 Charter from the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb conferring honorary membership to Milka Trnina,
a famous Croatian opera singer (source [Premerl, p 86]),
with the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia


Folder containing poems dedicated to Milka Trnina, Zagreb, 1898 (source [Premerl, p 87])


Petar Preradović (1818--1872.): Ljubi rode jezik preko svega. U njem živi, umiri za njega.

Croatian Benefactor's Society, Punta Arenas - Magellanes, Chile, 1900
Hrvatsko Dobrotvorno Društvo, Utemeljno dne 13 prosinca 1900
photo from [Glasinovic, p 70]


Two Croatian Coats of Arms (the second one with inscription FIDELITAS along the diagonal), probably from
the end of 19th or beginning of 20th centuriey. Many thanks to Mr Ivan Filipčić, Zagreb, for the photos.

Croatian coat of Arms on a post office in Pecuh, Hunagry.
Many thanks to Mirna Lipovac for the photo.

Croatian Coat of Arms on the right (up) and the Coats of Arms of Dalmatia and Slavonia on the left
(up and down, respectively), representing the United Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia.

Petrinjska street 8, Zagreb

Amruševa street 2, Zagreb

Franz Joseph I und Seine Zeit

Zagreb, Coat of Arms of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia; 
below them the Coat of Arms of the City of Zagreb;
Mesnička street in Zagreb

A detail of a postcard containing Croatian Coat of Arms

Croatian Coat of Arms from the end of the 19th century: Hrvatska je Božja i naša (Croatia is God's and our).
Grubišno polje, church of St. Joseph (crkva sv. Josipa). Many thanks to dr. Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek for the photo.

Croatian Coat of Arms from 1890 in Nazorova street 51 in Zagreb:
Public Orphanage of Eduard Baron Jellachich Bužimski

Built in 1879 as convent with the chapel for sisters of St. Magdalena,
in 1886 it was bought by Croatian government and rebuilt as an orphanage.

Now a part of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb

Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (Trojedna Kraljevina) of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia

Croatian Coat of Arms from 1892 in the Botanical Garden, Zagreb

Croatian Coat of Arms in Restaruant Lira in the street of Nikola Tesla 5 in Zagreb

Tamburitza orchestra "Bisernica" in Požega 1893, detail
See Mihael Feric founded Tambura Museum in Brod na Savi Croatia unique in the world

The second primary School in Čučerje near Zagreb, founded in 1895;
source Moj Zagreb (My Zagreb), Summer 2019, p. 95

In the city of Iquique on the north of Chile, there is an interesting document (diploma) from 1896, issued to Antun Bilušić,
containing the Croatian Coat of Arms. It was issued by the Slavic Benevolent Society (Slavjansko Dobrotvorno Društvo), founded in 1834.

Croatian Coat of Arms ona a seal from the document, written in 1897 the town of Čabar (Gorski Kotar).
The document deals with founding of the Croatian tamburiza society "Gorska vila" (Mountain Fiary)
in the village of Gerovo. This photo is a detail of the document published in
Mihael Ferić: Hrvatski tamburaški brevijar / The Croatian Tambura Breviary, Šokadija, Zagreb, 2011.,
fascinating book containing 1300 photos on 500 pp.

Croatia osiguranje (Croatia Insurance), 19-20th century

Vjekoslav Klaić: History of the Croats, Zagreb, 1899.

Celebration of Croatian Youth on the occasion of the entrance to the 20th century, 1900-1901
(the title page of the brochure).


Croatia - its History, Culture and Science