Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen or Tomislav
Kolakovic (1906-1990)
Darko Žubrinić,
Zagreb, 2008

Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen;
source [Komorkovsky]
Tomislav Poglajen was born in Croatia, in
the village of Podgorače near the town of Našice on the
north of
Croatia. After finishing his primary school in Čepin, and six years of
the Real Gymnasium in Osijek, at the age of sixteen he decided to
become a Jesuit.
the Jesuit noviciate in Ljubljana he
then continued his schooling at the Clasiscal Gymnasium in Travnik in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
directed also by Croatian
Jesuits. Completing his maturation exam in 1926 at the age of 20, he
proceded with the two-year study of philosophy in Valse près
Puy in France.
his return to Travnik in Bosnia, Poglajen
was teaching Latin at the Classical Gymansium. In 1929 he finished a
summer course of French language at Sorbonne in Paris, earning a
certificate. After three years of pedagogical work in Travnik, directed
by outstanding Jesuit Fr. Stjepan Jambrekovic, rector of the Jesuit
Collegium and director of the Gymnasium in Travnik, he was sent to
Zagreb in order to help issuing a Jesuit review Život
completed his theological studies in
Louvian, Belgium, in the period from 1932 to 1936.

Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen;
source [Šestak]
best known book is God's
New York, 1949, published under the name of
"Father George", his pseudonym. It was prepared by a well known
American writer Gretta Palmer to who Poglajen described his activities
and experiences in Croatia, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary and Russia. The
idea of writing the book came from a famous American bishop Fulton
Sheen, who also wrote its Foreword.
this book covers only a relatively small
segment of his life.
Very little is known about his life and work in China, India, Vietnam,
and in some other countries, where he was active in the post WWII era,
until the end of the "Cold War" in 1990, the year in which he died in
Paris. The date of his death is unknown, as well as the precise place
of his burrial.
Poglajen was very much
influenced with the movement of Jeunesse
Ouvriere Chretienne
(JOC, Young Christian
founded by a Belgian chaplain Joseph
Cardijn in 1925. The aim of JOC
was to work in small communities
among young people originating from working class, later also among
academic circles. Poglajen collaborated with Cardijn already in time
when he was a young Jesuit studing in Louvian.

Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen or
Tomislav Kolakovič in Slovakia; source [Komorkovsky]

Poglajen's range of
activities is indeed amazing in its global
aspect: from Croatia, across Hungary, Slovakia and Czechia, to Russia,
USA, China, Vietnam, India and Phillipines.
During his short 2.5
year's stay in Slovakia, since his
arrival to this country in 1943, he succeeded in creating laying
foundations of Rodina
(Family) movement in
and Czechia, which was a laicist church organized as a network of small
groups. It was the "underground church" founded in time when the Red
Army and communist rule came to power by the end of WWII, active until
the fall of communism in Europe. Very interesting program for Rodina,
written in May 1945 before Poglajen's travel to Moscow in case he does
not return, can be seen in Krpotić's study in [Šestak,
pp. 307-318]. According to Poglajen's own words, his main mission in
Slovakia and Czechia was to prepare contacts between Soviet Union and
the Catholic Church, see Krmpotić in [Šestak,
p. 352].
He was active as a
preacher and minister, and his solid
education in the field of medicine was quite important during the
tragic days of the WWII. A Slovak politician declared in 2006 that
collaborators of professor
Kolaković had to pay with
five hundred years of prison (see Cviić in [Šestak,
p. 31]). "Professor Kolaković" was Poglajen's conspirative name in
Slovakia, coined according to his mother's second name. Poglajen and
members of Rodina were actively participating in anti-fascist movement
in Slovakia.
Poglajen was persecuted
by various secret police organizations, equally Fascist, Nazist and Communist. He was a violent critic of all
three mentioned totalitarisms already in 1937, when he became editor in
chief of the important and influential journal Život (Life) in Zagreb,
issued by Croatian Jesuits. Upon the arrival of Nazists to Croatia he
had to escape from Zagreb to Split in 1941, and then to Slovakia in
He nearly fell into hands
of communist secret police in China
in 1949. A Belgian missionary in China, collaborator of father
Poglajen, was interrogated and tortured in attempts to find out more
details about this mysterious Croat in China. Various secret
intelligence services were following him, including ex-Yugoslav
infamous OZNA, later called UDBA (see Cviić in [Šestak,
Several attempts of his
physical liquidation by the Russian
secret service (see Milan Simčić in [Šestak,
p. 34]) persuaded him to be extremely cautious, even in European West.
Until the end of his life he lived under various pseudonyms. One of his
pseudonyms in France was professeur
abée Georges, or simply
professeur in
Belgium, profesor Kolakovič or Vlado
or simply profesor
in Slovakia, Father George
in the USA and India, Houyang
or professor Yoris
in China, etc.
After the WWII, since the
end of 1945 till 1980, he was active
in China and Vietnam (before communist rule came to these countries),
in parts of India (since in 1950s there was a danger for this country
to succumb under the communist rule), and in Phillipines. His method of
work was to try to organize the Catholic Worker's Movement there and
the institutions aiming to dismantle the communist propaganda. It is
interesting that in India he contacted Mother
Teresa and Father Anto Gabric.
He was very critical
towards the American policy in Vietnam,
since in their naivity the Americans believed that just by military
action they would be able to defeat systematic communist indoctrination
and the proud Vietnamese conscionce, while drugs and prostitution were
spreading at the same time (see Milan Simčić in [Šestak,
p. 37]).
Father Poglajen was
exceptionally influential, and many doors
were open to him on highest levels. His deep insight and direct
experiences on global matters, and the ability for thorough analysis,
enabled him personal contacts with presidents Truman and Eisenhower in
the USA, as well as with the leading peronalities of the State
Department (see Milan Simčić, p. 35).
He also had direct
contacts with Pope Pius XII, important
church persons in the Vatican, as well as with bishops throughout the
world. For example, he was very close to a famous american bishop
Fulton Sheen, who wrote foreword to his 1949 book "God's
Underground", written under the
pseudonyme Father George,
dismantling the communist regime behind the Iron Curtain. The fact that
he wrote it under a pseudonyme means that even in the USA he felt
insecure. This book can be perhaps compared with an earliear equally
important book by another Croat - Ante
Ciliga, a direct witness of
difficult life in Soviet Union in
1930s, and also as prisoner of Soviet concentration camps from 1930 to
It is indeed amazing that
Poglajen was planning his direct
contact with Stalin, and even travelled to Moscow with that goal.
Having encountered Soviet soldiers arriving in 1944 to Slovakia during
the final operations against Nazists, he realized that many of them are
deeply attached to the spirituality of Eastern Christianity. During his
6 month's travel through the USSR immediately after the WWII he learned
about Catacomb
Churches among Eastern
Christians, both Pravoslav and Catholic (Milan Simcic in [Šestak,
p. 35]), about which he reported in
the book "God's Underground" prepared by Gretta Palmer in 1949.
As an excellent
connoisseur of Russian langaugage, he had no
problems in getting close to Soviets, and he did not hesitate to
distribute thousands of small picture of Mother
of God of
Iverskaya (Iverskaya
Bogorodica) among Soviet soldiers, very much
adored among Eastern Christians. The pictures were accompanied with a
short one-page text of spiritual nature, see Krmpotić in [Šestak,
pp. 283-284]. Such steps undertaken
by Poglajen were extremely dangerous. Many have lost their lives for
much lesser "offences" of the communist rule than spreading holy

The icon of Mother of God
Iverskaja (or Iverskaya), very much revered among Russian people,
printed upon Tomislav Kolakovič's initiative in about 100,000 copies
and distributed in secret to Soviet soldiers; source [Šestak];
the accompaning text is: Presveta
Bogorodice, isprosi mi od svog
Sina mir u duši i svijetu i milost na času smrti... (Dear
Mother of God, ask your Son to pray for peace in my soul and in the
world, and for mercy at the moment of my death...), see [Sečkar,
p. 250].

Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen or
Tomislav Kolakovič in Slovakia; source [Komorkovsky]
George: God's Underground,
New York, 1949
...The big, smiling
young Russian opened the door and
said, "Good day." The man in the partisan officer's uniform entered and
went straight to the rickety table in the center of the room. Carefully
following the agreed formula, he laid out the things he had brought -
five potatoes here, a quarter-pound of tea in the center, a handful of
raisins to the left. Then the visitor nervously repeated the words of
the code: "Your friend Sasha asked me to pay you my respects and to
thank you for your kindness to his mother." The Russian quickly gave
the set reply of recognition and the two shook hands.
Thus a Roman
Catholic priest made contact with a station
of the underground within Russia. For six months after World War II,
"Father George" traveled through the U.S.S.R. with Red army
credentials, studying resistance to the Communist regime and especially
the secret confederacy of Christians. What he found makes an exciting
book, written in collaboration with magazine-writer Gretta Palmer and
published this week as God's Underground (Appleton-Century-Crofts; $3).
When the Nazis
invaded Yugoslavia, Father George was a
Croatian organizer of Catholic youth groups. He promptly took off his
clerical garb, went underground, and with many other young Christians,
eventually joined Slovak partisans. Fighting side by side with
Russians, they kept their religion under cover - celebrating Mass, and
even holding retreats, in forests with lookouts posted.
The Way It Spreads.
According to Father George, Russians
are cynical about the sincerity of their government's war-inspired
toleration of the Russian Orthodox Church. He reports that even some of
the Orthodox priests stay underground just in case the state once again
begins to close the churches.
Even registered
Orthodox priests cannot hold classes in
religion for children under 18. A nine-year-old boy showed Father
George how children learned their catechism. "He held up his left hand,
fingers outspread. T have five friends. I know my catechism from my
comrade, who learned it from his grandmother. I have to teach it to my
five friends ... I give them an examination. Then if they pass, they
become teachers. Each of them has to pass it on to five other friends.
That's the way it spreads.' "
In one town Father
George found a group who called
themselves "postoffice Christians." Members send their wedding rings to
be blessed by a Catholic priest and mailed back; in the same way they
obtain consecrated earth to be sprinkled over graves, and holy water
for baptisms.
The Russian
resistance movement, says Father George, is
made up of all sorts of men, among whom the Christians are highly
respected. Said one of the leaders: "They are the bravest. They are the
most cheerful. I wish I could share their secret."
Revolution. No one knows just how many
secret priests are in Russia today. Lying ill last week in a monastery
near Cologne was black-bearded bespectacled Father Kurt Szekalla, who,
like Father George, successfully penetrated the Iron Curtain and got
out again. But many are not so lucky. German-born Father Szekalla says
he knows of seven fellow priests who entered Russia between 1939 and
1946, disguised as artisans or peasants. None has returned. At least
one, a Czech priest named Father Romza, Szekalla knows to have been
Father Szekalla
reports that he found clandestine
congregations of the Roman Catholic "catacomb church" almost,
everywhere he went - even at high bureaucratic levels. In Leningrad, he
says, one group customarily celebrated Mass within the Naval Academy
while unsuspecting guards stood sentry duty outside. Father Szekalla is
optimistic about Russia's eventual conversion: "I think that the
revolution in Russia which began in the social order will end in the
metaphysical order. The new resistance of the Russian people as
evidenced in their catacomb church will one day reassert itself . . .
Religion will come back to Russia - but by evolution instead of
Source: Catacomb
Church, TIME, Jan. 17, 1949

Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen or
Tomislav Kolakovič in Slovakia; source [Komorkovsky]
Lorne Trainor: Father
George: God's Underground,
Father George as told by Gretta Palmer (296 pages),
Dunstan's Red and White, Vol. XL, Winter 1949, No. 2, pp. 74-76, [PDF]
(book review):
Father George as
fold by Gretta Palmer
New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts-Inc., 1949 (296 pages)
In 1941 the Nazis
occupied Jugo-Slavia. Father George, a
Catholic Croat priest, was on their black list. Immediately he went
underground with the Christian youth organizations of his country. In
spite of constant dangers of death and the influence of the atheistic
doctrines of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, Father George, in various
disguises and with the help of underground friends, for three years
kept the light of faith burning brightly in the minds and hearts of the
youthful zealots of his overrun and harassed country. Late in 1944,
Father George's work as spiritual adviser to his young friends became
too dangerous. He joined a group of partisan militia as a medical
doctor. (He had been a doctor previous to his study of theology). Early
the next year the partisan group, of which he was a member, was
attached to the Red Army of the Ukraine and became subject to Russian
orders and discipline. Through the instrumentality of a Red Army
Officer, who was a secret believer in Christianity, Father George
obtained a military pass which took him into the Soviet Union. For six
months, Father George, still wearing the partisan uniform, and still
posing as a doctor, travelled about western Russia with the purpose of
learning about the hopes and beliefs of the Russian people. At the end
of this time he decided to return to his native land, but on his way
home he was arrested and jailed in Prague. Here he underwent a trial on
trumped-up charges. He won his case in this dramatic trial and finally
escaped to freedom.
Underground is the amazing
intensely interesting story of the experiences of Father George as a
priest and doctor under the circumstances mentioned above.
The most astounding
fact revealed by Father George in
relating his experiences is, that, in spite of a ruthless thirty years
attempt on the part of the Communist minority in Russia to crush the
Christian religion, it is still secretely believed, practised and
cherished by probably one-third of the Russian people.
Father George
tells us that he found in Russia secret
seminaries training young men for the priesthood, priests secretely
ministering the sacraments to the faithful, young and old from all
ranks of life, even among the Red Army and M.V.D. officers, still
clinging to their ancient faith or, seeing the emptiness of Atheistic
Communism, arriving at a knowledge of truth and a desire to worship God.
All this is an
amazing revelation to us of the Western
world, which hears very little of religious activity behind "The Iron
Curtain". However, high church authorities vouch for the authenticity
of Father George's story. Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, who
knows the author writes, "Father George is first to make public not
only the details of the mysterious spiritual activity inside Russia but
also the manner in which he secured this knowledge. There are countless
records of political refugees from Russia; here is the first record of
a religious refugee."
Underground is an authentic
of the strong Christian Fifth Column which exists in Russia. It clearly
distinguishes between the Communistic minority and the majority of the
Russian people. It arouses our love for this fine suppressed majority
and suggests that a faith is springing up in Russia which, warmed by
Divine Charity and supplemented by our prayers, will in some future day
roll back the Iron Curtain as the stone was once rolled back from the
editions of Father
George's (this is pseudonym of Poglajen) God's
to Valcav
the book prepared by Gretta Palmer is not reliable, since it has a lots
imprecisions and mistakes. For example, Gretta Palmer does not
distinguish Croatia from Slovakia and Bielorussia. Hence, the book
should be read with care. Vaško concludes that it is a pity
the book contains her inventions and additions to make it more
interesting for American readers.
- God's
Underground (by Father George
as Told to
Gretta Palmer), Hardcover, Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.,
New York, 1949. A story of the fight for Christianity in Soviet Russia.
Forward by Bishop Fulton
J. Sheen.
PALMER (Hardcover) by Gretta Palmer (Author),
Hardcover, Publisher: Hollis & Carter (1950)
- Through
God's Underground - The
Adventures Of
Father George Among People Under Soviet Rule As Told To Gretta Palmer
(Hardcover), by Anonymous (Author), Hardcover, Publisher: Hollis
Carter (1951)
- Father George, God's
Underground, Bethany Press, St. Louis,
MO (1970).
- Dans
les maquis de Dieu, Ed. du
Rocher, Monaco 1951
by Gretta
Palmer (Author), Hardcover, Publisher: Hollis & Carter (1953)
- Kolakovič T.: Božie
podzemie, Sekulárny
inštitút Fatima v Nitre, Slovakia, 1994.
- God's
Underground (Paperback), by
Father George
(Author), Gretta Palmer (Editor), Paperback: 316 pages, Publisher:
Kessinger Publishing (May 28, 2005)
- Father George (zoals
hij het vertelde aan Gratta Palmer) - God's
ondergrondse, oorspr. titel
'God's Underground' vert. uit het
Engels H. Bronkhorst, Amsterdam, Van Kampen & Zoon, 2e dr.,
z.j. -
293pp ingenaaid, linnen met stofomslag, goede staat - s.o. zwaar
beschadigd, verder goed, Tweedehands; Christendom; Geloofsvervolging;
Sovjet Unie
- Stjepan Tomislav
Poglajen: Božje
Verbum, Split, 2006., commentaries about the book
in Croatian by Rev.
Vladimir Horvat; MV
- There is information
about possible existence of German,
Spanish and Chinese (Taiwna) editions of the book, see [Sečkar,
p. 253].
Tomislav: Temeljni obrisi
poretka /
Dora Krupićeva d.o.o., Zagreb 2006. - 101 str.; 18 cm. - (Biblioteka
Articles, books and links
related to Poglajen:
- TIME: Catacomb Church,
Monday, Jan. 17, 1949
František: Nebudete ich môcť
rozvrátiť. Z osudov katolíckej cirkvi na
Slovensku v
rokoch 1943 - 1989. Bratislava 1991.
Vladimír: Odbojové
ambície prof. T. Kolakoviča a Rodiny. In: Zborník
Múzeum Slovenského
národného povstania.
Banská Bystrica. Zjednocovanie
síl na Slovensku v roku 1943. Vznik a činnosť
SNR. Zostavovatelia Ján Stanislav a Dezider Tóth,
s. 49 -
- Vaclav
Vaško: Dobrodruh
v Ježíšových službách
legendární profesor Kolakovič,
published online by
- Vaclav
Vaško: Profesor
Kolakovič - mýty a skutočnosť,
Impulz, Slovakia, 2006.
- Profesor Kolakovič a Anton Neuwirth,
(300 participants) held at the University Pastoral Center in Bratislava
in honour of Poglajen and his student Neuwirth in 2006
KOMOROVSKÝ: Usporiadanie spoločnosti podľa Stjepana
Poglajena Kolakoviča (K 100. výročiu narodenia) [PDF],
Viera a život, Slovakia, 2006, č. 4, 18-28.
- JUKL, V.: V
Kolakoviča. Bratislava 1995.
György: Spomienka na pôsobenie
pátra Kolakoviča v Maďarsku. In: KRČMÉRY S. -
šľapajách Kolakoviča, s. 99 - 101.
J.: Tomislav Poglajen
Kolakovič na
Slovensku 1943 -1946. In:
Slovenské rozhľady, 8/1996, s. 90
- 106.
Bratislava, Kaligram, 2000.
- Norbert Kmeť:
Katolícka cirkev v strednej
Európe po druhej svetovej vojne [PDF],
Pamat naroda, 2007.
- Spomienky
Štefana Šmálika na
profesora Kolakoviča, written by Štefan
- Janka
Poradová: Diplomová
práca o Šmálikovi,
- IVAN. A.
, Zborník príspevkov z tretieho
sympózia Katedry
histórie Filozofickej
fakulty UCM Trnava Lúka 21. - 22. mája 2004,
Poglajen ie
Kolakovič on pp 55-57
- Vladimir Horvat:
- Matija Maša
Vekić: Lucidni evangelizator XX. stoljeća,
razgovor s
prof.dr. Vladimirom Horvatom o Stjepanu Tomislavu Poglajenu, Katolički
tjednik, 2006.
- Stjepan
Tomislav Poglajen, a short
biography in
Croatian, Verbum,
- Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen,
2007., Križ života
- Ivo
Sečkar: Veliki i zagonetni S.T.
Poglajen [PDF],
Obnov. život (51) 3 (1996) 237-260.
- Cviic, Christopher:
The mysterious missions of Fr Poglajen:
a personal memoir, Frontier Magazine, Keston Institute, UK, No 11,
2006, 19-24.
- Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen,
- Ivan
Šestak: Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen as editor
of the journal
Život (in Croatian), [PDF],
Renewed Life, Release: Vol. 62 No. 1, 19.02.2007.
- Ivan
Šestak (ed.): Stjepan
Tomislav Poglajen alias profesor Kolaković (1906.-1990.), Zbornik
radova međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija održanog u Zagrebu 28. rujna
2006. povodom 100. obljetnice rođenja S.T. Poglajena, Zagreb, 2007.,
372 str., ISBN 978-953-231-058-0
- Krsto Cviić
(London): Poglajen u svjetskom kontekstu
- Milan Simčić
(Rim): Čovjek koji je stvarao povijest
- Ivan
Šestak (Zagreb): Poglajen kao suradnik i
urednik časopisa Život
- Miroslav Klobučnik
(Bratislava): Kolaković i
konfontacija s komunističkom vladom
- Frano Glavina
(Zagreb): Tomislav Poglajen u svjetlu
izvora nastalih radom OZNA-e, UDBA-e i SDB-a
- Vladimir Horvat
(Zagreb): Poglajen kao vizionar i
- Lazar Ivan
Krmpotić: Stjepan Poglajen
Tomislav Kolaković - evangelizator Slovačke,
oko 130 str.
- etc.
- Stjepan Tomislav Poglajen: Krsšćanski
personalizam, niz Hrvatska
katolička baština, nakladnik Glas Koncila, Zagreb 2001.,
ISBN 978-953-841-8-283
- Rod Dreher: Live Not by Lies - A Manual for Christian Dissidents, 2020 (translated into Croatian in 2022: Oduprite se laži - Priručnik za kršćanske disidente, Verbum), Review
Croatia - its History, Culture and