The Hague Tribunal: Blagoje Adžić and Miodrag Jokić

Darko Žubrinić, 2021.

Basic reference for this article is the following monograph by Professor Hrvoje Kačić:
[Kačić, U službi domovine, Croatia rediviva (4. dopunjeno izdanje), str. 143]

Ex-Yugoslav general Blagoje Adžić

Here, we provide some excerpts from the afore-mentioned monograph dealing with ex-Yugoslav general Blagoje Adžić from Belgrade. Speaking on the Military Academy (Vojna akademija) in Belgrade on 5th July 1991, he expressed his radical war-indoctrinating recommendations in front of 150 of high-ranked officers of the JNA (Jugoslavenska Narodna Armija / Yugoslav People's Army), which were published in Belgrade and in Montenegro:


Višestranačje je dovelo narode u sukobe (...) rušitelji Jugoslavije preuzeli su vlast i okrutno žele da promene društveno uređenje uvođenjem kapitalizma u svojoj najgoroj formi (...)

(...) Preti spoljna intervencija Nemačke, Austrije, Mađarske i Čeho-slovačke. Postoji namera da se stvori golema zajednica od 130 miliona stanovnika, a to predstavlja za nas veliku opasnost, jer je stvarno to projekt nove velike Nemačke (...)

(...) Izdajice treba ubiti na licu mesta bez milosti i razmišljanja. Jedinice kojima ćete komandovati moraju do kraja izvršiti dobivene zadatke, pa makar pri tome izginuli do poslednjega (...) Nije važno ako pretrpimo velike gubitke. Mi imamo prednost u naoružannju, jer "Rat ne bira svoje žrtve" (...) gubitke treba ignoristati (...) Od sada upotrebite sve snage i otvorite vatru na svakoga koji se protivi našim akcijama (...)

(...) Konačno, drugovi oficiri, ja Vam čestitam da ste izabrani za ove poslove i zahtevam da u izvršenju ovih zadaća u celosti upotrebite sve svoje znanje i umeće u bitkama za ostvarenje ideala Oktobarske revolucije i u borbi za Jugoslaviju.

After reading these sentences (in Serbian), it is natural to ask the following question: How can it be that general Blagoje Adžić was never invited by the Hague Tribunal?

Ex-Yugoslav vice-admiral Miodrag Jokić

This section is based on [Hrvoje Kačić, U službi domovine, Croatia rediviva (4. dopunjeno izdanje), str. 481-486].

On 16th of October, 1991 (one day after the aggressor's occupation of the city of Cavtat near Dubrovnik), vice-admiral Miodrag Jokić sent an ultimatum to the Mayor of the city of Dubrovnik Petar Poljanić, requiring among other things the following:

  • "Razoružanje civilnih osoba na području dubrovačke regije;
  • Predaja i razoružanje svih paravojnih formacija i to tzv. Zbora narodne garde i jedinica MUP-a (policije);
  • Bezuslovnu predaju kriznog štaba Dubrovnik;
  • Izručenje kompletne dokumentacije SNU Dubrovnik;"

This document has been signed by admiral Miodrag Jokić.

The Hague Tribunal accused Miodrag Jokić for shelling the Old City of Dubrovnik (i.e., its central part) and for the "fact" that during the savage bombing on 6th December 1991 there were two victims (namely, Tonči Skoko of the age of 18, and Pavao Urban, newspaperman, of the age of 21), along with three wounded persons.

According to Professor Hrvoje Kačić, this "fact", eastablished by the Hague Tribunal, should be corrected to the number of 19 victims in the Old Dubrovnik and more than 60 wounded.

The Hague Tribunal, presided by Carla del Ponte, has falsified the true data. As an example, Dr. Hrvoje Kačić mentions his friend Željko Standinger, who was mortally wounded in the Old City of Dubrovnik (see [Hrvoje Kačić, U službi domovine, Croatia rediviva (4. dopunjeno izdanje), str. 483]).

But what about the whole Dubrovnik region, in which more than 450 people were assassinated, during the commandment of admiral Miodrag Jokić since the October 1991 till the mid-May 1992?

The Hague tribunal has accepted as valid and sincere Miodrag Jokić's "repentence" for the alleged "two vicitms" during the shelling of the Old city of Dubrovnik. As pointed out by Professor Hrvoje Kačić, the Hague tribunal insisted on hiding the true data and proved facts about the victims of Dubrovnik, as well as on hiding information available to them, that admiral Miodrag Jokić was the organizer of the distribution of goods plundered in the region of Dubrovnik (which includes also the region of Konavle south of the city).

Vice-admiral Miodrag Jokić and vast desctructions, responsible for
450 killed people in the Dubrovnik area, for who the Hague Tribunal
accepted his "repentence" for the alleged "two victims".

Furthemore, his pre-war propaganda message has been neglected as well, publicly published in Belgrade in 1991, as well as in Montenegro: "Nije daleko pretpostavka kako će ustaše, kojima nije stalo ni do kakvih vrijednosti, osim do vlastite kože, same razoriti stari Dubrovnik, kako bi to nedjelo pripisale jedinicama JNA."


Hrvoje Kačić: U službi domovine / Croatia rediviva (4th enlarged edition), Varaždinske toplice 2017


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