Croatians in America - photo collection by Vladimir Novak
Part 1
Energy, page 1
- Vladimir Novak
- Anthony Turkaly, Croatian - American sculptor
- The Croatian Liberty Home Inc., in the Collinwood (Cleveland)
- The Drama Group Abrašević
- Anton Cetin, Croatian artist, Toronto
- Josip Crnobori (1907-2005), Croatian painter, New York
- Croatian Home in East Chicago, Ind.
- Paul Draženović from Lika, Croatia, in Alaska in 1911
- FREEDOM FROM DESPAIR, feature length documentary shot by Brenda
- Goli Otok concentration camp
Energy, page 2
- Horsewoman by Antun Agustinčić, in front of the main building
of the UN, New York
- Joseph Hitrec, recipient of Harter's literary prize
- Joseph Kralj (Joseph King), from Mrkopalj, Croatia, to Minnesota
- Corporation Ilija Letica
- Louis Svećenski, Croatian violinist in Boston Symphony Orchestra
Energy, page 3
- Anthony Lucas (Antun Lučić) and The Lucas gusher
- Marija Miletić - animator, designer, director and producer
- Paul J. Yacich (Jasic), professional family motion picture and
TV production, New Orleans
- Joseph M. Martinac, builder of a multitude of vessels with uncompromising
- Joe Marsh (Josip Marušić) - wrestler, actor, and Mr. Clean
Energy, page 4
- Lt. Louis Cukela (Vjekoslav Lujo Cukela), awarded both the Navy
and Army Medals
- Croatians at the warship U.S.S. ARIZONA which the Japanese planes
sank in 1941
- Peter Tomich vessel, 1942
- Medal of Honor for Peter Tomich by the President of the USA,
in the name of the Congress
- Funeral for John Barkigia, the 13 year old son of Kata Barkigia
(Born Bogišić) from the village of Dubravica, near Dubrovnik
- The first Croatian Home in the USA, built in 1874
Energy, page 5
- The American ship honoring Tesla, built in 1943
- Emil Blazevic, teacher of music and singing, with his own school
of music in New York
- A brass band in Los Angeles formed by the members of "Sokol" (The
Falcon), a Croatian patriotic organization
- Frank Hoffer from Karlovac, among the first who introduced the
tamburitsa instrument to America
- Florio Antonovich, with the ship Flying Cloud he made the record
time from New York to San Francisco around Cape Horn
Part 2
Energy, page 1
- Tacoma "Wedding"
- Gary Gabelich and the Blue Flame
- Croatian Cultural Center of Chicago
- Croatian Grocery in Aberdeen, Washington
- Encounter of two worlds - American policeman and Steve Jovanovich
from Metković, Croatia
Energy, page 2
- Marcus Nalley, King of Potato Chips
- Maxo Vanka: Immigrant Mother in America
- Michael A. Bilandic, Mayor of Chicago and Chief Justice of the
Illinois Supreme Court
Energy, page 3
- Stephen Babare, Croat shipbuilder in Tacoma, USA
- Votive Chapel of Our Lady of Bistrica in the National Shrine,
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Energy, page 4
- Croatian Cultural Club of Joliet, Illinois
- Croatian Pool Hall and Cigar Store, South Aberdeen, Washington
- Poster announcing the play "Ciganin" ("The Gipsy")
at the Croatian home in Chicago
Energy, page 5
- Croatian Lodge Home in 1925 in Aberdeen, Washington
- Slavonic Illyric Mutual and Benevolent Society of San Francisco
Energy, page 6
Energy, page 7
- Ruže Dalmatinke (Dalmatian Roses), Franulovich sisters, professional
- Hrvati (Croatians), the American TV-film about Croatian fishing
community of coastal town of Anacortes, Washington
- Vela Luka Croatian Folk Ensemble,founded by Maria Petrish, born
- Fisherman's Packing Corporation in Anacortes, Washington
- John M. Plancich, general manager
- Croatian Radio Club in New York
- Steve Bubalo, Herzegovinean construction giant in Los Angeles
Energy, page 8
- John Klarich Contracting Company
- Croatian Moslems in America, by Ekerem Spahić
Part 3
Energy, page 1
- Croatian national coat of arms woodcarved by Luka Biondić
- Stained glass window above the main entrance of St. Anthony's
Croatian Catholic Church in Los Angles, California.
- Famous Croatian wrestler Marin Pleština
- The New Orleans Slavonic tug-of-war team in 1892, probably
the first Croatian atheltic organization in the United States
- The Los Angeles Croatian Atheltic Club baseball team at Navy
Field in San Pedro, California in 1932.
- The Hlad Manufacturing Company in Chicago, early 1918
- Louis Hlad in 1985
Energy, page 2
- George Mikan, the greatest basketball player of the first half
of the twentieth century, receiving the Helms Athletic Foundation
- Dr. Michael (Mike) Pecarovich, very succesful football and
baseball layer and coach for more than thirty years, inspirational
and motion picture actor, university professor and dynamic speaker
- Fritze Zivic, welterweight champion of the world (1940-1941)
- The Second Croatian National Congress organized by the Domobran
in Chicago on
November 30, 1935
- Franjo Mršić, a broadaster for the Voice of Croatia program
in Chicago
- Hrvatska Žena (Croatian Woman), Branch 1 of Chicago founded
on January 27, 1929
- The cover of the Croatian bimonthly magazine Hrvatica (Croatian
Woman) founded in Chicago in 1977
- The Croatian Woman's organization Hrvatska žena in festivities
celebrating the 1932 World's Fair in Chicago
- The fifth anniversary celebration and dedication of the flag
of Hrvatska Žena (Croatian Woman) Lodge no. 1
Energy, page 3
- Thousands of Croatians worked in stelle mills in Pittsburgh
- Emil Mrkonic's legislative district office in McKeesport
- Emil Mrkonic (center) in his office in McKeesport, Pa.
- The Honorable Kay Rendina, Mayor of Masontown, Pa., shown in
her office in 1987
- The Croatian Band of Monessen, Pa., shown (1917) in front of
the Croatian Home on Schoonmaker Avenue in Monessen
- The new Croatian Home (1974) on Summit Avenue in Monessen
- Rev. Gabriel Badurina, spiritual leader of the Sacred Heart
- Interior of the new Sacred Heart Church in McKeesport, Pa
Thes above web pages appear on www.croatia.org
Croatian World Network, directed by Nenad Bach
Prepared by Darko Zubrinic, Zagreb 2008
Croatian mariners
in the New World; Croatian Guilds and Collegiums
Croatia - its History, Culture and Science