Nobel Prize winners
against the aggression on Croatia

Many people throughout the world contributed to the international recognition of Croatia (January 15, 1992). We would like to present a list of 104 Nobel prize winners (in alphabetic order) who signed an appeal to stop the aggression of the Yugoslav Army on Croatia that started in 1991 (The New York Times, January 14th, 1992). We do this with the feeling of deepest gratitude.

An Appeal by 109 Nobel Laureates


During the past several weeks the Yugoslav Army has escalated its war against Croatia. Dozens of villages have been razed. Many historical monuments have been destroyed. Several cities, including Croatia's capital of Zagreb, have been bombed. Over 2,000* people have been killed.

The undeclared war has already produced more than 100,000* refugees. The violence and destruction unleashed in Croatia is on a scale unknown in Europe since the Second World War. Innocent civilians are massacred. Hospitals and places of worship are destroyed. Conscience demands that we raise our voices against this senseless war.

  • We appeal to the Western and Eastern governments to stop the Yugoslav Army wanton destruction.
  • We appeal to all humanitarian organizations to provide aid for all the victims of the Yugoslav military brutality.
  • We appeal to men and women of conscience to speak up against indifference to the plight of Croatian people who are facing not only the danger of total destruction of their country, but also the threat of their own extinction.

* Since signing the appeal, the number of Croatians killed has increased to over 3,000. Croatian refugees now number over 700,000.


  1. Philip W. Anderson, physics,
  2. Christian B. Anfinsen, chemistry, 1977
  3. Werner Arber, medicine, 1978
  4. Colin M.L. Archer, peace, 1910
  5. David Baltimore, medicine, 1975
  6. Derek H.R. Barton, chemistry, 1969
  7. J. Georg Bednorz, physics, 1987
  8. Baruj Benacerraf, medicine, 1980
  9. Paul Berg, chemistry, 1980
  10. Gerd Binning, physics, 1986
  11. J. Michael Bishop, medicine, 1989
  12. James Black, medicine, 1988
  13. Nicolaas Bloembergen, physics, 1981
  14. Willy Brandt, peace, 1971
  15. Joseph Brodsky, literature, 1987
  16. Thomas R. Cech, chemistry, 1989
  17. Camilo Jose Cela, literature, 1989
  18. S. Chandrasekhar, physics, 1983
  19. Allan M. Cormack, medicine, 1979
  20. J.W. Cornforth, chemistry, 1975
  21. James W. Cronin, physics, 1980
  22. Gerard Debreu, economics, 1983
  23. Jean Duasset, medicine, 1980
  24. Christian de Duve, medicine, 1974
  25. P.G. de Gennes, physics, 1991
  26. Hans G. Dehmelt, physics, 1989
  27. Johann Deisenhofer, chemistry, 1988
  28. John Carrew Eccles, medicine, 1963
  29. Manfred Eigen, chemistry, 1967
  30. Gertrude B. Elion, medicine, 1988
  31. Richard R. Ernst, chemistry, 1991
  32. Val L. Fitch, physics, 1980
  33. William A. Fowler, physics, 1983
  34. Jerome I. Friedman, physics, 1983
  35. Milton Friedman, economics, 1981
  36. Kenichi Fukui, chemistry, 1981
  37. D. Carleton Gajdusek, medicine, 1976
  38. Donald A. Glaser, physics, 1960
  39. Sheldon L. Glashow, physics, 1979
  40. William Golding, literature, 1983
  41. Nadine Gorimer, literature, 1991
  42. Roger Guillemin, medicine psychology, 1977
  43. Herbert A. Hauptman, chemistry, 1985
  44. Dudley Herschbach, chemistry, 1986
  45. Gerhard Herzberg, chemistry, 1971
  46. Antony Hewish, physics, 1974
  47. Dorothy C. Hodgkin, chemistry, 1964
  48. David H. Hubel, medicine, 1981
  49. Robert Huber, chemistry, 1988
  50. Francois Jacob, medicine, 1965
  51. Niels Jerne, medicine, 1984
  52. Brien D. Josephson, physics, 1973
  53. Jerome Karle, chemistry, 1985
  54. Henry W. Kendall, physics, 1990
  55. Georges Kohler, medicine, 1984
  56. Arthur Kornberg, medicine, 1959
  57. Dalai Lama, peace, 1989
  58. Willis E. Lamb Jr., physics, 1955
  59. Yuan T. Lee, chemistry, 1986
  60. Jean--Marie Lehn, chemistry, 1987
  61. William N. Lipscomb, chemistry, 1976
  62. M. Corrigan Maguire, peace, 1977
  63. Bruce Merrifield, chemistry, 1990
  64. Hartmut Michel, chemistry, 1988
  65. Czeslaw Milosz, literature, 1980
  66. Cesar Milstein, medicine, 1984
  67. Rita Levi--Montaicini, medicine, 1986
  68. Andre Lwoff, medicine, 1965
  69. Nevill Mott, physics, 1977
  70. K. Alex Muller, physics, 1987
  71. Joseph E. Muray, medicine, 1990
  72. Daniel Nathans, medicine, 1978
  73. Erwin Neher, medicine, 1991
  74. Severo Ochoa, medicine, 1959
  75. Wolfgang Paul, physics, 1989
  76. Linus Pauling, chemistry 1954, peace 1962
  77. Max P. Perutz, chemistry, 1962
  78. John C. Polanyi, chemistry, 1986
  79. George Porter, chemistry, 1967
  80. Vladimir Prelog, chemistry, 1975
  81. A.M. Prokhorov, physics, 1964
  82. Edward M. Purcell, physics, 1952
  83. Tadeus Reichstein, medicine, 1950
  84. Burton Richter, physics, 1976
  85. Heinrich Rohrere, physics, 1986
  86. Carlo Rubbia, physics, 1984
  87. Abdus Salam, physics, 1979
  88. Fred Sangerm, chemistry, 1958 1980
  89. Wole Sayinka, literature, 1986
  90. Robert Schrieffer, physics, 1972
  91. Glenn T. Seaborg, chemistry, 1951
  92. William F. Sharpe, economics, 1990
  93. Kai Siegbahn, physics, 1981
  94. Claude Simon, literature, 1985
  95. Herbert A. Simon, economics, 1978
  96. Hamilton O. Smith, medicine, 1978
  97. Robert M. Solow, economics, 1987
  98. Roger Sperry, medicine, 1981
  99. Jack Steinberger, physics, 1988
  100. George D. Suell, medicine, 1980
  101. Henry Taube, chemistry, 1983
  102. E. Donnall Thomas, medicine, 1990
  103. Jan Tinbergen, economics, 1969
  104. Samuel C.C. Ting, physics, 1976
  105. James Tobin, economics, 1981
  106. Susumu Tonegawa, medicine, 1987
  107. Charles H. Townes, physics, 1964
  108. Desmond Tutu, peace, 1984
  109. Simon van der Meer, physics, 1984
  110. Harold E. Varmus, medicine, 1989
  111. Klaus von Klitzing, physics, 1985
  112. Ernest T.S. Walton, physics, 1951.



Croatia - its History, Culture and Science