Title: LIBROCIDE: DESTRUCTION OF LIBRARIES IN CROATIA, 1991-1995Author(s): BRAILO, NENSI Degree: M.L.I.S. Year: 1998 Pages: 00081 Institution: SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY; 6265 Advisor: Adviser: RUTH HAFTER Source: MAI, 37, no. 01, (1998): 0011
Abstract: This thesis examines and documents the destruction of Croatia's library and archival collections and buildings during the 1991-95 war. Its purpose is to fully document the devastation of Croatian cultural heritage and to evaluate the efficacy of global programs designed to protect Croatian and world cultural heritage. Analysis of the destruction is based on a general overview of the damage in eastern, central, and southern Croatia and a detailed case study which examines the destruction of libraries in the city of Dubrovnik. Current international programs and UNESCO's Conventions for the protection of the world cultural heritage are evaluated in light of the wartime Croatian experience. Recommendations for improvement are made in the following areas: wider acceptance of the UNESCO Conventions; stronger legal action; more field experts; the reevaluation of usage of the Conventions' signs; more cooperation between military forces, peace keeping forces and UNESCO, and more emphasis on education.
SUBJECT(S) Descriptor: LIBRARY SCIENCE HISTORY, EUROPEAN Accession No: AAG1391511 Database: Dissertations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dissertation Abstracts Online results for: au: brailo. Record 1 of 1. References related to Croatian History, Culture and Science |